What do I need to consider before travelling overseas?


What do I need to consider before travelling overseas?

Before going overseas, whether it’s for work or personal reasons, you need to be familiar with the following four considerations:

On-going eligibility for a security clearance

  • Residing overseas may result in an uncheckable background and mean you are not eligible for a national security clearance in the future.

Security of your mobile electronic devices

  • You must consider the risks posed if your device is lost, stolen or compromised.
  • Government employees should avoid taking work-issued electronic media or devices overseas. If necessary, use specific agency-supplied devices for travel.
  • Familiarise yourself with your agency’s overseas policies and procedures.

Reporting contact with foreign government officials

  • All government employees should prepare to report any contact with foreign government officials that appear suspicious, persistent or unusual in any respect.
  • Ensure you are familiar with the contact reporting form that you will have to complete.

Letting your Chief Security Officer (CSO) know

  • Security clearance holders must discuss residence in, or visits to, foreign countries before they occur.

Page last modified: 5/08/2019