Policy implications: What will our agency need to do?

Policy implications: What will our agency need to do?

The policy sets out expectations for good practice but agencies will need to assess how they will achieve the policy intent, implement the recommended practices and supplied training materials, and encourage the behavioural changes within their organisations. 

 In practice, this means that you should:

  • Review existing policies and procedures you have for classification in line with this principle and update them as required. If you don’t have one, a policy template is supplied to get you started. Amend it to your needs.
  • Review the new classification training modules as this goes into expected obligations for all people in government.  Adopt them if you don’t have any training or look to amend or integrate into your current staff training.  And don’t forget your contractors and suppliers in these requirements who also handle government information. Include them in the training and the requirements in your contracts.
  • New expectations have also been introduced about information sharing and declassification.  See those questions for more information.