Online training modules: Who are they for and how do we use them?

Online training modules: Who are they for and how do we use them?

Who are the modules for?

  • Everybody – all staff, contractors, and suppliers
  • Designed as an introductory course to be given during induction and then as refresher training as required
  • The modules do not provide advanced content for security practitioners or agency-specific information.

Do people need to do all of the modules?

  • We recommend everyone does the first three modules
  • Modules 4 and 5 are specifically about national security information and only need to be done by agencies who deal with this type of information.

How long will the training take?

  • We estimate it should take about 60 minutes to complete the first three modules.

How can we run the modules & can we edit the modules?

  • We are making the files available so that agencies can host them on their own Learning Management System and customise them
  • All the modules will also be available on the PSR website as well for anyone to use.

Where do I get the files?

  • Contact the PSR team. Refer to the 'How to deploy the user training modules' page linked below.