Information sharing: What has changed and what does it mean for my agency?

Information sharing: What has changed and what does it mean for my agency?

Effective information sharing is about two things:

  • Getting the right information to the right people at the right time
  • Making sure we don't release information inappropriately or give it to the wrong people.

What has changed relating to information sharing?

  • There have been no changes to key legislation, e.g. OIA, Privacy Act
  • Information Sharing is established as a principle in the Classification System policy and agencies are expected to share information where appropriate to do so.

The changes to the Classification System haven't changed the legislation covering information sharing.  However, as a result of the RCOI it does place specific emphasis on information sharing and sets greater expectations that agencies should be proactive about sharing information – both to protect New Zealand and to deliver better public services more generally. 

What should my agency do?

  • To start with your agency will be sharing information today.  Improving information sharing is not about radical change but about a steady change in emphasis and expectations.  The information sharing guidance gives some suggestions about the actions that any agency can take. Ask yourself:
    • Culture – do senior leaders promote information sharing or are people scared about the consequences of getting it wrong? Does the culture need to shift from a restricted need-to-know culture to an enabling need-to-share culture?
    • Audiences - does your agecy understand what other audiences could benefit from use of your information who do not have access to it today?
    • Education – do people who share information fully understand what they can and can’t do?
    • Policy and procedures - does your agency have clear information sharing guidelines that inform your people on how they can share information securely and with confidence?

What resources are required?

  • Information sharing is often a cultural issue that reflects years of engrained attitudes, policies and beliefs to restrict access rather than enable access.  Change needs leadership and support. 
  • We acknowledge that barriers to effective information sharing can be a wider issue. For some agencies, their current systems, buildings, and technology can be a barrier to effective information sharing and we acknowledge that the changes to the Classification System will not address these.

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